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Simon Pockley - Resume
[Address] 60 Bridge Street Melbourne VIC 3070
[Mobile] 0418 575 525


Experienced leader in the community, environmental, cultural and education sectors. Strong governance and strategic planning coupled with an inclusive but decisive management style. Thrives in complex environments by developing practical, innovative solutions and measuring the results.

Key Competencies:
Educational Qualifications:
Employment background:

The Australian National Data Service (ANDS) makes Australia's research data assets more valuable for researchers, research institutions and the nation. ANDS is a partnership led by Monash University, along with the Australian National University (ANU) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). It is funded by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) program.

Reporting to the Directors, key responsibilities included:

Carriage of the Metadata Stores Program as a key component of research infrastructure. Responsible for the development of institution-wide solutions for the discovery and reuse of research data collections. Funding the development of a number of software solutions for creating rich metadata records about collections of data, ensuring that this metadata is properly managed so that it can be harvested and exposed to search engines as well as to researchers and research administrators. Metadata Stores provides connectors to institutional sources of truth, coverage over the entire institution, and feeds provided to Research Data Australia.

SOLN is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation representing 5 Landcare Groups with around 400 members. The Committee of Management provides more than $100,000 worth of volunteer hours per annum to deliver more than $1.5 million worth of environmental services to the community. That's in addition to the less easily quantifiable values of having a healthy environment (clean air, clean water, carbon mitigation, natural habitat)

As Chair, responsible for leading the organisation and overseeing:

Founding Chair and convenor of ORCA in late 2008. The organisation was created as a channel for Community Action in response to a growing awareness of the impact of Climate Change. As founding Chair, I was responsible for securing seed funding and establishing adequate and appropriate governance so that the organisation could accept more funding and be clear about its aims.

ORCA has now been successfully handed over to others, the measure of this success being that the organisation has a life of its own and sufficient funds to operate and develop.

Reporting to the acting head of Knowledge Media, key responsibilities included:

Reporting to the CEO and then to the recently appointed Director of Public Programs, key responsibilities included:

Selected publications:
Selected presentations/conference papers:
Committees and industry memberships
Other interests